Introduction to Intensive Interaction Taster Session
(half day online)
Friday 8 November 2024: 09.00am - 12noon (UTC+00:00)
online via Zoom Video Conferencing
Attending this Taster Session entitles you to a 30% discount off the full price of the Full Day Open Access Introduction to Intensive Interaction (Module 1) Course if taken up within 9 months of the date of the Taster Session
Please complete all Sections
The Course
Session Fee: £75.00
Your Details
These are the details of the person attending
Some organisations block emails from correspondents where there are links and/or attachments included.
In order to make sure you receive a confirmation email of your booking and instructions on how to register and participate in the course, please also enter a personal email address.
You will be sent instructions for joining the session to this address during the week leading up to it
You will be sent instructions for joining the session to both addresses during the week leading up to it
Payment Details
You have chosen to pay by Credit/Debit Card.
Please make the payment below via Stripe.
A receipt for your payment will be sent the email address you have given
You have chosen to pay by BACs
You will receive an invoice for payment after you have submitted this Booking Form
Your place is confirmed on receipt of payment.
A receipt will be sent to your email address which you can pass on to the relevant person in your organisation
The Contact Person in your Organisation will receive an invoice for payment after you have submitted this Booking Form
You have indicated you would like to be invoiced via a Purchase Order. You have booked a place whilst awaiting a Purchase Order from your organisation, and so your place has been reserved but will not be not confirmed until the Purchase Order Number has been received.
You have indicated that the address above is acceptable by your organisation as an invoice address
Please ensure that this is acceptable otherwise please choose invoice to a dfferent address
Attending this Taster Session entitles you to a 30% discount off the full price of the Full Day Introduction Course (Module 1), if attended within 9 months of this Taster Session
Terms & Conditions
A copy of these Terms & Conditions will be included in your confirmation email sent to you on submission
If you haven't received a confirmation email within a few minutes of submitting this form please check your Spam/Junk Mailbox